The Stylish Bride 05: Have You Found the One?
On today’s show, Julie talks about how you will know if you found the ONE, the perfect dress, the dress you’ll want to get married in. Brides today are having a harder time than ever before deciding on their wedding dress. There are more options out there than ever before and you are exposed to a constant stream of gorgeous photos on social media. Plus you know what dress your friends wore, and what their friends’, friends wore, and you want to be different, making it pretty overwhelming. Today, Julie will talk about how to make a decision in a never ending world of options.
Show Highlights:
- Knowledge is power
- All brides react in many different ways when finding the one
- Understand how you make decisions
- Decisions will help you navigate dress shopping
- Psychology behind decision making
- Difference between Cognitive style maximizer
- Maximization – Seeking the best option through an exhausting search
- Differences between Cognitive style satisfiers
- Satisficing – Satisfy and suffice, evaluate options til you find the one
- How each of the styles play out when searching for a dress
- Maximizers need time to make a decision
- Using the collage App called Pic Stitch to help compare dresses side by side in photos
- Satisfiers typically have no regrets, and do cry when they put on the dress
- Falling between maximizer and Satisfier happens
- In-between still should go to a few appointments
- Remember the 50% deposit is non-refundable
Julie really wants to hear from you, so if you have questions or comments, please reach out to her so you can be sure you are dressed, styled and down the aisle!
Links Mentioned in the Show:
The Stylish Bride on Instagram
The Stylish Bride website.
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